Elder Abuse Council
The Elder Abuse Council was formed in March of 2004 in response to the growing abuse, neglect and exploitation of the elder population, also referred to as elder maltreatment.
One of the goals of the Council is to address issues of prevention, intervention, and agency coordination of services on a state and local level through interaction with local groups or entities that directly or indirectly provide services to the elderly.
Community partners come together to form a coordinated multidisciplinary response to elder maltreatment.
In the Lake Cumberland Area Development District area, eight (8) of the ten (10) counties have formed local councils to address maltreatment at the local level.
Kentucky is a mandatory reporting state. (Reference KRS 209.030)
If you suspect elder abuse, you are legally required to report it. You can report abuse at the 24 hour, toll-free hotlines at 1-877-597-2331 or 1-800-752-6200.
Calls can be made anonymously.
Please click here for information about Kentucky’s 2018 Local Coordinating Councils on Elder Abuse.